Bug solved in interpollen(method="tseries")
CITATION file added with the manuscript information: Rojo, J., Picornell, A., Oteros, J. (2019) AeRobiology: the computational tool for biological data in the air. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. DOI.: 10.1111/2041-210X.13203
Faster functions plot_hour() and plot_heathour(), when the argument locations = FALSE
Two new functions for hourly data processing added: plot_hour() and plot_heathour().
A new data set about 3-hourly concentrations from an automatic pollen system (BAA500) have been added: data("POMO_pollen").
Added a tutorial in RPubs: http://rpubs.com/Picornell/AeRobiology and a vignette.
Interpollen() method = "neighbour" colnames homogenized.
Homogenized the name of the functions: ps_plot -> plot_ps; trend_plot -> analyse_trend; trends -> plot_trend; qualitycontrol -> quality_control; hour_plot -> plot_hour; summary_plot -> plot_summary; summary_normplot -> plot_normsummary
Homogenized the name of the data sets: munich -> munich_pollen; POMO_pollen
Additional examples added.
Function trend_plot() updated changing the visualization of the slopes of the trends in end.date and start.date.
Deleted global assignment (<<-) in all functions.
Eliminated import of depreciated packages: reshape2 and plyr. Substituted by active packages dplyr, tidyr and purr.
export.result and export.plot arguments have been eliminated in functions when unnecessary (e.g. interpollen()) and set to FALSE by default in all functions.
Name of arguments have been homogenized among functions (e.g. plot -> export.plot)
Plots displayed by default, but not exported.
Eliminated prints of progress messages when unnecessary (e.g. functions interpollen() and plot_trend()). In some functions such as calculate_ps(), this functionality is very relevant.
New argument "result" added to some functions (e.g. interpollen(), calculate_ps(), plot_hour(), analyse_trend()). This argument allows the user to decide which result want to be produced by the function e.g. (result = "table" or result = "plot").
Input data are always formatted to data.frame (data <- data.frame(data)).
Fixed bug in function interpollen()
Import the packages: purrr, colorspace and httpuv
Function trend_plot() updated with extra information and better visualization of "significant" argument.
Change the "maintainer" to only one of the authors, maintainer role will rotate among the authors.
The changes in specific functions are entitled as updates.function()